Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

SAP FUNDAMENTALS, System Wide Concept UNIT 3

1.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Organizational elements dan tujuannya?
organizational element adalah struktur perusahaan yang di petakan.

2.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Master data dan tujuannya?
Created centrally and available to all applications and all authorized user, masterdata also has an oraganizational aspect because its information is organized into views that areassigned to oraganizational elements.

3.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Transaction  dan tujuannya?
Transaction are application programs that execute business processes in the SAP system,examples include create sales order, change customer master, or display a sales orders list report.

4.  Sebutkan unsur-unsur dari organizational element?

  •  Client
  •  Company Code
  •  Plant
  •  Storage Location
  •  Sales Organization
  •  Distribution Channel
  •  Oraganization Unit
  •  Position

5.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan client?
The client is the highest level element of all organizational elements: it represents the enterprise/headquarters group.

6.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Company code?
The company code legal independent accounting unit representing the central organizational element of financial accounting, the company code also represents the tax law (national) view of the company, the fiscal calender, the local currency, and the tax reporting requirements.

7.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Plant?
A plant can manufacture product, distribute product, or provide a service, it is the central oraganizational unit of production.

8.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Storage location?
Material stock in Inventory Management can be differentiated within one plant accordingto storege location.

9.  Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Sales organization?
The sales organization is the central organizational element in sales order management that also controls terms of sale to the costomer.

10. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Distribution channel?
Distribution channels can be used to define how different product reach consumer, for example, wholesale.

11. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Organizational unit?
Organizational unit describe the various business units that exist in an enterprise.

12. jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Position?
Position are the individual employee assignment in enterprise.persons occupy positions.A position inherist a jobs characteristic,but you can also define additional characteristic specific to that position.

13. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan IDES?
IDES (International Demonstration and Education System)

14. Hubungan master data dengan aplikasi yang ada di SAP?
hubungannya yaitu master data tempat atu pusat penyimpanan data dari aplikasi SAP.

15. Sifat master data?
menyimpan data secara menyeluruh.

16. Sebutkan data yang disimpan dalam master data?

  • stored data
  • including salas
  • purchasing
  • inventory management
  • material planning
  • invoice verivication
  • finance
  • human resources

17. Jelaskan isi dari customer master data?
A customer master contains key information that difines the business relationship between a company and its customer, sales organization data provides information on customers for support execution of such business procesess as entering sales order, shipping, billing, and processing payment.

18. Jelaskan tiga struktur dalam customer master?

  • General Data
  • Data for Company Codes 
  • Data for Sales

19. Jelaskan material master?
The material master contains all of the key information a company needs to manage a material within its organization. The material master defines, among other things, how a product is sold, manufactured, purchased, inventoried, accounted and costed. The information in the material is grouped into views that are organized by business function.

20. Jelaskan personnel file?
Personnel files are master data rcords used primarily mySAP ERP Human Capital Management. These master records follow the same basic three -part structure, as do other master records.

21. Jelaskan isi dari personnel file?

  • Organizational Units
  • Jobs
  • Positions
  • Persons
  • Transactions

22. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan organizational unit?
describe the various business units that exist in your enterprise, multiple organizational units and their realationship from organizational structure.organizational units can be loosely defined as functional or regional depertement,or as project group,depending on the type of organization.

23. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Jobs?
Jobs as description ora template, that apply to several position with similar reqruiments, tasks, or orther characteristic.

24. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Positions?
Position are the individual employee assignments in the enterprise, person occupy positions a postion inherits a jobs characteristic but you can also define additional characteristics spesified to that position.

25. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Persons?
Persons hold positions within the organizational structure, Persons represent employees in your company.

26. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan transaction?
Transactions are application programs that execute business processes in the SAP system.

27. Bagaimana hubungan antara transaksi dengan dokumen?
Whenever a transaction is executed in the system a document is created, that document a data record of the transaction , constain all of the relavant predevined information from the master data and oraganizational.

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